I’m Abeer (she/her).
I work as a researcher and teaching assistant at King Saud University. Currently, I am a computer science masters student at UCSD working with Prof. Julian McAuley and Prof. Deepak Kumar.
Previously, I was an AI researcher in computer vision, natural language processing, and speech at Tahakom under Prof. Abdulrahman Alarifi .
In general, I am interested in natural language processing and machine learning. Particularly, I am interested in understanding the long-term impacts of large language models and improving them through my research. Recently, I have been interested in investigating digital safety in sociotechnical systems.
Echterhoff, J., Liu, Y., Alessa, A., McAuley, J., and He, Z. (2024). Cognitive bias in high-stakes decision-making with llms. EMNLP 2024.
Alkanhal,. L, *Alessa, A., *Almahmoud, E., and R. Alaqil. Aswat: Arabic Audio Dataset For Automatic Speech Recognition Using Speech-Representation Learning. ArabicNLP 2023 (formerly WANLP 2023)
Alessa, A., H. Alkhalifah. Towards Designing a ChatGPT Conversational Companion for Elderly People. PETRA Workshop on NLP4Disability 2023.
A web based application to provide a portable version of the famous transcription tools xTrans. wTrans supports a full range of speech annotation tasks, including quick and careful transcription.